Sunday, February 5, 2012

My Mission

Since its beginning on July 20, 1851, Salem Lutheran Church of Rosehill in Tomball, Texas, has been a mission-oriented congregation seeking to reach the lost with the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ. Salem's ministry reaches into the community and beyond. During 2011, 42,397 people were served through Salem's dental, medical, and vision clinics in Honduras and Kenya. Four water wells were drilled in Honduras. Thirteen congregations from the United States were involved in ministry with Salem in Kenya and Honduras. We rejoice that, as a result of this ministry, there were 1,788 new believers and 328 baptisms in Kenya. Salem's ministry and Jesus's words in Matthew 28:19, 20 -- "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." -- have inspired me to write the following haiku poem about "My Mission."

I am included
In the Lord's redemptive plan
To bring Christ to all.

He's given me a
Vital part in kingdom work,
Sharing the Good News.

I choose to follow
The promptings of the Spirit.
As I obey Him,

The Spirit will work
Powerfully to achieve
Life transformation.

In cleansing my heart,
I'm determined to follow
God's gracious leading.

I ask for guidance
And trust Christ as my Savior;
I wait and listen.

God has given me
A mission field where I am
Among those I love.

He puts on my heart
Others I may influence
With the love of Christ.

The Lord desires
To see His purpose fulfilled,
His plan completed.

Christ walks beside me
As my Guide and Comforter,
Watching over me.

Ev'rything I need
To accomplish this great task
The Spirit provides.

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