- Use the letters of your first and last name down the left-hand side of your paper.
- Use each letter to begin a short phrase to describe yourself.
- Use descriptive adjectives and action verbs.
Kindness is an attribute of her character.
Adores the Lord Jesus with all of her heart and soul and mind.
Thankful for the gifts God has given to her, including travel opportunities.
Happy to be married to Wayne Graumann.
Yearns to have a fulfilling, productive, meaningful retirement.
Grandmothering is a joy for her.
Reaches to accomplish laudable goals.
Active member at Salem Lutheran Church of Rosehill in Tomball, Texas.
Ultimately will receive the crown of life through faith in Jesus Christ, her Lord and Savior.
Music ministers to her soul and spirit.
Admires landscaped flower gardens and herbs.
Needs quiet time to write in order to maintain emotional equilibrium.
Nurturing others cultivates joy and contentment within her.