Since I have recently experienced the death of a dear friend, I chose to write about the experience of participating in a service of commendation at the hospital bedside of my friend as she was commended into the everlasting arms of Jesus.
I Know a Hospital Room (sights)
- The soft, puddled, loving eyes of a devoted husband that appear to tenderly caress his wife as she lies sleeping
- Children and grandchildren hovered round her bed
- Tears spilling from the eyes of loved ones
- Wide-eyed somber-faced, serious countenances upon the faces of family and close friends
- Instruments and IV's hooked up to my friend's body
- Hands folded and heads bowed in prayer
- Supportive tender embraces
- The pastor making the sign of the cross on the patient's forehead and on her heart
- Muffled sobs of loved ones
- Machines beeping, monitors ticking
- Harmonious melodic praise as the hymn, "Beautiful Savior," is sung
- Strong voices of conviction united in speaking "The Apostles' Creed" and "The Lord's Prayer"
- The quiet whisper, "I love you, Mildred"
- The pungent, sterile smell of hand sanitizer permeating the nostrils
- The vacant, sanitized odor of a room in the Intensive Care Unit
- Warm, soft, motionless, unresponsive hands of the patient as they are being massaged
- Soft, cool lips that linger on the patient's forehead as a gentle kiss is placed there
- The Invocation: "In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."
- The Apostles' Creed: "I believe..."
- Reflections by the pastor on Romans 8:31-39
- The singing of the hymn, "Beautiful Savior"
- Psalm 23 spoken by the pastor, "The Lord is my Shepherd..."
- The endearing prayer of a pastor who loves the patient, his friend and parishoner
- The Benediction that concludes the service of commendation
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